Professional Meta-Coach
Dr. CHAN Kwok Hei, Paul 陳國禧醫生
南澳洲大學社會科學碩士 (輔導)
香港大學社會科學碩士 (佛學)
香港醫學專科學院院士 (急症科)
急症室兼職顧問醫生 (瑪嘉烈醫院)
Master in Counselling Studies (University of South Australia)
International Licensed Neurosemantic – NLP Trainer/professional meta-Coach (ISNS)
International Certified Master NLP Trainer (NLPU, Santa Cruz U.S.A. )
Master in Buddhist Studies (HKU)
M.B.B.S. (HK)
F.R.C.S. (Edin.)
F.H.K.A.M. (Emergency Medicine)
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Psychological Medicine (HKU)
Part-time Accident & Emergency Consultant (Princess Margaret Hospital)
陳國禧醫生於70年代中畢業於香港大學,其後在伊利沙伯醫院 (QEH) 任職外科醫生,並於80年代中轉任急症室專科醫生。於90年代,陳醫生獲晉升為瑪嘉烈醫院 (PMH) 急症室顧問醫生。陳醫生曾先後於七所急症室服務,包括伊利沙伯醫院,瑪麗醫院,瑪嘉烈醫院,鄧肇堅醫院,仁濟醫院,明愛醫院,以及北大嶼山醫院。
陳醫生曾於1997年見證香港醫學專科學院轄下的急症科專科學院的誕生,並為學會的成立作出貢獻,更於學院成立的最初十年間出任義務司庫。自2003年沙士疫症 (SARs) 起,陳醫生一直負責明愛醫院急症科病房的委任工作,開展了自我學習,自我發現和自我實現的歷程。陳醫生曾跟隨Richard Bandler,Robert Dilts,Judith Delosier,Tad James,Michael Hall,以及Joseph O’Connor等國際級大師學習,並成為國際的發證身心語義學培訓師和專業大成教練。
在退休前後的十年間,陳醫生積極且熱衷於為在醫管局工作的醫療專業人員及非政府機構員工,如香港國際社會服務社,舉辦培訓工作坊,包括身心語言程序學,教練學,自我實現心理學,壓力管理,應用正向心理學,綜合靜觀,管理人員教練證書課程 (MCC)。除此以外,在2010年中陳醫生還為香港明愛的再晴計劃,當中以香港中產人士為服務對象提供諮詢和私人啟導服務。
Dr. Chan graduated in mid-70 from HKU and pursued a surgical career In Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH). He swapped to work in Accident & Emergency Department of QEH in mid-80. He was promoted to consultant in 90 in Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). He had worked publicly in 7 A&E Departments Including QEH, Queen Mary Hospital, PMH, Tang Shiu Kin Hospital, Yan Chai Hospital, Caritas Medical Centre, North Land Tau Hospital.
He had contributed and witnessed the Birth of the College of Emergency Medicine under the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine in 1997. He was the Hon. Treasurer in the initial 10 years of the College. He was responsible for the commissioning of Emergency Medicine (EM) ward in Caritas Medical Centre since SARs 2003, he embarked on a journey of self-learning, discovery and actualization. He had learned NLP and coaching under international masters such as Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Judith Delosier, Tad James, Michael Hall, Joseph O’Connor.
For the past 10 years before & after retirement, he has focused actively and passionately on conducting training workshops for Healthcare Professionals working in Hospital Authority and public institutions such as ISS (International social services Hong Kong Branch) in the field of NLP, Coaching, Self-actualization Psychology, Stress Management, Applied Positive Psychology, Integrated Mindfulness, Manager Certified Coach Course (MCC).He had also provided both consultancy and personal coaching services in NGOs. Specifically The Caritus Everbright Project for middle class people of HK in mid 2010s.